Senses of Sea. 2013 - Forge Studios
I don’t have a specific intended message to convey, through the physical action of painting, I like to discover things I didn’t know where there. Like how, taste, smell, touch, sound and vision can have emotional substance, which creates a colour in my mind that ends up on a surface. When painting a landscape there is much more going on than just the visual. How the sea can be the equivalent in colour to the taste of water melon sweets. Or how the wind physically changes the views, or how the sound in my ears makes me feel. I have been massively inspired by the work of Kurt Jackson and Kandinsky as I think they create this sensory experience in their work. I intended to create a series of works that allows the viewer to see things that I probably didn’t. For me they make me taste things or feel things, for you it might be very different. Oil paint blurs the senses of taste, touch, smell, sound and colour. It smells like play dough. It sounds like the wind, it tastes like sweets. It feels like velvet. It looks like wet pebbles. For me is not a channel of literal communication. It is a process of discovery rather than a search for an answer. I am heavily attracted to water as my subject matter and the way the senses effect it. It’s sensitive, yet powerful.